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Training the Kenya Roads Board on Bond and Infrastructure Finance /

Many organisations continue to face notable challenges when seeking to
optimally allocate finite resources and maximise economic and social returns on capital investments.

To facilitate this, modern investment programmes need to take account of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities, and more broadly contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In March 2022, Kenya Roads Board (KRB) engaged Crown Agents to deliver a highly contextualised training course in Dubai for ten members of the Board of Directors. The aim of this hands-on training programme was to strengthen the capacity of the Board in financing infrastructure development, in particular through bond finance, within its sectoral remit, and to use this knowledge to enhance the investment decision making process.

On this interactive one-week programme, the KRB participants examined a range of current and emerging issues in infrastructure finance and bond finance to better understand the components and mechanics of the investment cycle.

Using highly practical training methods including group discussions, learning exercises, role-playing and case studies, participants also considered different bond types and their suitability, looking at the available borrowing instruments such as Green and ESG Bonds.

With content tailored to the context of the KRB, delegates were able to
develop a better understanding of some of the emerging issues affecting organisations, such as climate-related finance following the COP26 Paris Agreement. Working with our expert trainers, they were also equipped with the skills to understand how infrastructure projects may be effectively financed under a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and what the potential financial, operational and risks, costs and benefits of these could be.