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Russell Reynolds ‘solutions’ breakfast on unlocking investment in Africa /

The UK High Commissioner for Kenya Nic Hailey hosted a ‘solutions’ breakfast at his residence in Nairobi on 5 July to discuss how to unlock investment in Africa.

Convening senior executives from the private sector and donor organisations, the discussion focused on how governments can foster the right enabling environments for private sector investment.

Attendees at Russell Reynolds solutions breakfast in Kenya

Participants discussed the need for government to drive a unified investment agenda to accelerate growth, and how strong champions are needed within governments to unblock barriers to investment. They also discussed how essential it will be to communicate better with communities to achieve long-term success.

The event was the second in Global Development Practice’s ‘Solution Series’ in partnership with Crown Agents.

It takes time to build institutions – developed economies took much longer than it’s taking African nations.

Alastair MacKechnie