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Procurement notice

Crown Agents Ukraine – General Procurement Notice – Ukraine MOH Budget 2020 /

Procurement of medicines, medical devices and reagents for Ministry of Health (MOH), Ukraine.

Crown Agents Ltd has been appointed by MOH, Ukraine to undertake the procurement of medicines and medical devices for the 14 programmes listed below. This procurement will be undertaken under the Decree #350 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “Specific issues of procurement of medicines, medical products and related auxiliaries in 2020” as of May 6, 2020.

Please see separate procurement notices for each programme which list the full requirements.

Programme 1: Medicines for substitution maintenance therapy
Programme 2: Tests and consumables for TB diagnostics
Programme 3: Medicines for patients with viral Hepatitis B and C
Programme 4: Test-systems for HIV diagnostics, ART follow-up and monitoring patients for HIV infection progression, determination of HIV resistance to antiretroviral drugs, conducting reference studies
Programme 5:  Medicines and medical products to ensure the development of blood donation and its components
Programme 6: Immunobiological drugs for public immunization, medical devices and products for temperature control of immunological drugs and medical products
Programme 7: Medicines for patients with highly lethal infectious diseases
Programme 8: Medicines for adults with primary immune deficiency diseases
Programme 9: Consumables to determine the blood glucose/glycosylated haemoglobin levels
Programme 10: Medicines for children with mental and behavioural disorders related to autism, schizophrenia, affective disorders and hyperkinetic disorders
Programme: 11 Medicines and medical products for paediatric dialysis
Programme: 12 Consumables for treatment of patients by peritoneal dialysis method TBA
Programme: 13 Endoprostheses and implantation kits
Programme 14: Medicines and medical products for treatment of children with oncology and oncohaematology diseases (Please note: Reagents and Consumables only)

The procurement process for each programme will be announced once we receive the full requirements from Ministry of Health, Ukraine.

Crown Agents requests that Manufacturers, Suppliers and Distributors register their interest immediately.
Interested Manufacturers, Suppliers and Distributors should contact confirming their interest in being invited to participate.
Information to be provided should include:
Programme of interest (and part if relevant)
Company name
Company address
Contact details (tel., email, etc.)
Contact person
Manufacturer / Distributor – please state
The procurement processes require that all bidders complete the Crown Agents Business Partners Questionnaire. For advance notice of this requirement the link to access the documents is:

Christine Jackson
Project Director
10 September 2020