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Data for decision making

25th January 2022

As the global community progresses towards the elimination of NTDs, new and innovative methods are needed to better target ongoing interventions. The patchy use of digital tools that facilitate planning, implementation, and reporting, is a major limitation in many NTD programs. While some tools for data collection, reporting, and other programmatic tasks do exist, they have variable quality and do not enable the effective planning of NTD programs. 

The ARISE programme uses District Health Information Software (DHIS2) as the data storage and management system through which users can track programme progress and performance. 

However, standardising and storing the data is only one part of the challenge. Users need a quick and easy way to access and use that data for decision making. 

Screenshot of the interactive dashboard that allows users to query the database at the lowest administrative level and fill maps based on a number of variables

With this in mind, Oriole Global Health, as part of the ARISE team developed a suite of interactive dashboards that allow users to query the database, visualise the results (as seen in the figure above), track progress, and export data to conduct downstream analyses (figure below). 

Screenshot of the indicators dashboard which provides high-level progress and performance summaries to country and global leadership

The result is a programme database that is designed with expert knowledge of what data is needed for effective, evidence-based decisionmaking; that is secure and robust enough to store the large quantities of data collected during implementation; and most importantly that is taken up and used by stakeholders to get the most out of the data collected for planning future activities.