b'HARP-F is a significant and strategic actor in the humanitarian system in Myanmar. HARP-Fs strong performance overall has led to an assessment that it offers excellent value for money and supports the UKs commitment to Grand Bargain principles. Independent Report by IPE Triple Line for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development OfficeLocal Partners,The HARP-Facility Primary RespondersIs operationalised through 63 Global calls for the localisation of aid, partnership,Community Analysis Support System, which uses local and capacity strengthening are becoming increasinglyconnections to gather real time contextual knowledge on prominent within the humanitarian and developmentareas where HARP-F is operating, have also helped facilitate sector, particularly across countries such as Myanmarthis localised humanitarian approach. where there are numerous local actors. This shift towardsThe UK Government has allocated an additional 4.7 million partners greater localisation gives new consideration to methodsto HARP-F to adapt programming to directly respond to of delivery, approaches to partnerships and adaptingthe impacts of Covid-19. Throughout 2020, funds are being programming in answer to the changing nature ofdirected to prevention measures including the construction Has reached overemergency response. of key water and sanitation infrastructure, the distribution 537,000Despite some levels of economic growth, Myanmar remainsof hygiene items to households and providing essential one of Asias poorest countries and continues to facePPE supplies. Increased food support is also being given political, security and development challenges, as well asto the most vulnerable populations who have lost their ongoing conflict. An estimated 985,000 people are in needlivelihoods due to the pandemic. Additionally, HARP-F funds of humanitarian assistance, yet the space for internationalare supporting Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camps beneficiaries organisations to respond effectively has diminished overin Rakhine and quarantine centres to ensure temporary time, exacerbated further by the outbreak of Covid-19.residents, including thousands of migrants returning from Since 2016, through the Foreign, Commonwealth andThailand and China, receive essential provisions.Targeted Development Office -funded Humanitarian AssistanceHARP-Fs local partners have been quick to pivot their ways Resilience Programme Facility (HARP-F), Crown Agents has 181,665 pioneered a flexible and localised approach to humanitarianof working in accordance with the new normal in Myanmar. For example, in Rakhine, a first-of-its-kind electronic response in Myanmar, which epitomises the internationalvoucher system has been scaled up for use by those in Grand Bargain commitment to localisation. Taking intoreceipt of cash assistance in IDP camps, instead of the account restrictive access measures that are in place in thetraditional in-kind or cash-in-hand methods. In the absence households with Covid-19 services across camps,country, HARP-Fs grant portfolio funds partners that canof face-to-face focus groups, community hotlines have also villages and schools in Myanmar including alongnavigate these restrictions and directly reach vulnerablebeen set up in camps as a means of gathering feedback as the border with Thailand populations in remote regions, from INGOs using remotewell as communicating Covid-19 risk awareness. methods and camp-based staff, to local partners andCovid-19 has shown the HARP Facility at its best: networks of community groups.demonstrating the full value of our flexible, localised and Reached overThis model of Remote Partnership Programming has provenscalable approach to humanitarian assistance in Myanmar. its value during the pandemic. When lockdowns placed 196 blanket restrictions on access across the country, HARP-FsIt offers useful lessons for the humanitarian community, in Myanmar and beyond, around the value of deploying partners were able to continue supporting communitiesa humanitarian instrument which is distinct from more severely affected by conflict and displacement and at highestablished funding mechanisms; one that is grounded in risk of Covid-19 infection. These national organisationscontext, increasingly nationally-driven and able to react and IDP camps with Covid-19 foodwere selected through a rigorous due diligence process andadapt to information from our beneficiaries, partners and provisions, WASH and hygienetrained by HARP-F teams in disaster risk reduction, readyingstakeholders.services and cash assistance them to respond. Monitoring and management in regional offices across the country, as well as a cutting-edge 16 17'