b'208 climate changeAccelerating climate experts recruited transitions through technical advisory 32 countries insupportAfrica, Asia, LatinTo speed up responses to climate change across America and thethe world, low- and middle-income countries need support to develop tools and analyses, conduct Caribbean benefittedresearch, and get access to financing for climate action plans. To address the problem, Crown Agents from technicalUSA led the $20 million USAID Climate Economic assistance Analysis for Development, Investment and Resilience (CEADIR) programme to support 32 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. $17.7 million worth CEADIR conducted studies to demonstrate the economic benefit of implementing climate-friendly of finance mobilisedinitiatives, such as restoring mangroves in Indonesia. for clean energy The programme also developed plans for countries to adapt to the effects of climate change that are already occurring. CEADIR experts then found public 6.8 MW of newand private sector sources to financially support opportunities in clean energy, sustainable landscapes, renewable energyand climate adaptation. generation projectsIn partnership with PA Consulting, Crown Agentsis also helping to deliver the UK Governments secured in GhanaPartnering for Climate Transitions (PACT) capacity-and Rwanda throughbuilding programme, which supports low-income countries tackle climate change. Crown Agents transaction advisoryrole has been to develop a roster of experts for the services provided programme and facilitate peer-to-peer skill-share projects. These projects help eligible countries to accelerate implementation of their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and raise ambition around future NDC commitments.13'