b'10 /HELPING SIERRA LEONE DELIVER LONG\x1fTERM CHANGEAND PROSPERITY /Po\x1e-2016 Sierra Leone was le\x0e searching for theensure health facilities always have access to be\x1e way to rebuild a\x0eer the double whammy of theessential lifesaving medicines, so no one dies 2014-2016 We\x1e African Ebola epidemic and theneedlessly because of a drug shortage. Both proje\x1fs price crash of iron ore, a key export.are supporting the improvement of public health As our re\x1bonse to the Ebola crisis was winding down,facilities to ensure the greate\x1e possible impa\x1f for Crown Agents decided to inve\x1e in a new country o\x17ceSierra Leonean women and children, with the limited in Sierra Leone. Building on our long-\x1eandingresources available. relationship with the country, we created a pla\x11orm toModernising tax colle\x1eionwork with the government. Our aim is to help makeThe government of Sierra Leone has set out to nearly critical improvements to how money and resourcesdouble dome\x1eic revenue to 20% of GDP by 2023, in are mobilised to quickly bol\x1eer essential basicorder to generate funds for public programmes.services.To achieve this goal, the Mini\x1ery of Finance is By \x1erengthening public services, we are helping tolaunching the Integrated Tax Admini\x1eration Sy\x1eem, ensure Sierra Leone has a healthier, be\x1aer educatedwhich aims to improve the e\x19e\x1fiveness and workforce and a more produ\x1five private se\x1for. Ourtran\x1barency of tax colle\x1fion. This will help fund a critical interventions and holi\x1eic approach boo\x1efree education initiative and public inve\x1ements in key accountability, enhance value for money and increasese\x1fors, like agriculture and health. Crown Agents is tran\x1barency. We are improving lives through four keyworking with an IT partner to help digitalise tax proje\x1fs that conne\x1f across Crown Agents por\x11oliocolle\x1fion and ensure that future economic growth in of services.Sierra Leone benets public co\x19ers.Joshua Street Warehouse TALK TO: MARTIN TUDGE / Built with Crown Agents own inve\x1ement, the JoshuaCountry Dire\x1for Sierra LeoneStreet Warehouse helps meet the acute need formartin.tudge@crownagents.co.ukinfra\x1eru\x1fure in Sierra Leone. The warehouse provides the market with a pharma-quality \x1eorage solution that can be used for a variable amount of time, so clients only pay for what they use. We pair international warehousing \x1eandards with a wide range of clients from the UN, NGOs, the private se\x1for and the Sierra Leone government. The warehouse provides the local market with an e\x17cient alternative to help to control co\x1es, provides full data visibility andSAVING LIVESincreases adherence to be\x1e pra\x1fice and globalOVER THE COURSE OF\x17,\x14\x18\x18 M \x14protocols, to full donor obligations. CHAMPS and Saving Lives: Women and Children Fir\x1f THIS YEAR WE HAVE Two Crown Agents proje\x1fs work together to improveSUPPORTED THESECURE WAREHOUSE STORAGEPHARMA QUALITYthe health of Sierra Leoneans. CHAMPS (Child Health and Mortality Prevention Services), funded by the BillSHIPMENT OF APPROX. and Melinda Gates Foundation through Emory University in Atlanta, works with the Mini\x1ery of Health\x1c\x1a\x1b\x1b M\x19 OF HEALTH and Sanitation to research causes of death in childrenCOMMODITIES AND under ve. Saving Lives in Sierra Leone is funded by DFID through the International Rescue Commi\x1aee,LIFE\x1fSAVING DRUGS and targets young children, pregnant women and mothers. Our role is to support the health mini\x1ery to'